build the perfect campfire

Build the perfect campfire

Fire in all of its primal and dangerous power gives us warmth, cooks our food, provides comfort, and has fascinated the human race for as long as we have been in existence. It is this blogger’s humble opinion that a true and thorough camping experience, and any adventure for that matter, is not complete without a proper and safe fire. In these times of climate change and seasonal extremes proper campfire construction is of the upmost importance.



You simply cannot have a great and safely contained fire unless you house it in a proper pit. If you have to build one or one is already there for you, it is imperative that you clean out any trash (plastic, aluminum foil, bottle caps, etc.) as well as any excess soot, ash, and debris so you can build your wood structure properly and without any unnecessary or toxic fumes. If there is too much ash/debris at the bottom of the pit it can restrict proper air-flow which can prevent your fire from catching more easily as well as staying lit longer.



Build fires only in designated fire rings, grills, or fireplaces. Most developed campgrounds have some version of these. Using a fire ring will lesson your impact and keep your fire contained.

Always check with the campground host to make sure fires are permitted. In some areas, severe dry periods can cause campfires to be prohibited.

If you’re car camping in an undeveloped site, check in advance with the agency that administers the land (U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, etc.). A campfire permit may be required.

Evaluate the site before starting a fire. If the site is brushy or has low-hanging branches, keep your fire small or skip it altogether. In dry conditions, fly-away embers could easily ignite a wildfire.



In backcountry areas where fires are permitted, use an existing fire ring if one has been left behind. Build a new one only in emergency situations and, if the situation permits, dismantle it when you are done. If one already exists, clean it out before you depart.

Clear away all flammable material from your fire pit. Ideally, the base of your fire should be sand or gravel or mineral soil. Intense heat can sterilize healthy soil, so choose your site with care.

Gather Fire Wood

To burn a successful fire, you’ll need three types fuel:

  • TINDER includes small twigs, dry leaves, needles or forest duff.

  • KINDLING consists of small sticks, typically less than one inch around.

  • FIREWOOD/FUEL is any larger piece of wood and is what will keep your fire going long into the night.



Use only local firewood. Nearby stores often carry firewood, and sometimes campground hosts offer bundles of firewood or kindling for sale. Know the fire rules and situation before you arrive.

Do not bring wood with you if you’re traveling from more than 50 miles away. Campgrounds may even ban bring-your-own firewood regardless of the distance you travel. Why? To avoid introducing troublesome insects into a forest.


If you forage for firewood, gather only downed wood far from your site. Never cut live trees or break off branches from standing trees, even dead trees. Birds and wildlife make use of dead branches and snags.

Do not gather or burn pieces thicker than an adult's wrist. This is because thick chunks of wood are rarely allowed to burn completely and are typically left behind as blackened, unsightly scraps.

Remember to follow Leave No Trace principles when gathering wood. 

Build the Campfire

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Phots from


Start with a small cone of kindling around a few handfuls of tinder that are loosely piled in the center of the fire ring. Once the fire is going strong and the temperature increases, you can add larger logs a few at a time as needed.


Place two larger pieces of firewood parallel to each other and with some room in between to form the base of your structure. Then, turn 90 degrees and place two slightly smaller pieces on top and perpendicular to form a square. Place plenty of tinder inside the square. Continue adding a few more layers of firewood around the perimeter, getting a little bit smaller with each layer. Finish with a layer of kindling and tinder across the top. Remember to leave space between logs so the fire can get plenty of oxygen.


Start with three or four of your largest logs side-by-side on the bottom layer. Turn 90 degrees and then add a second layer of slightly smaller logs on top. Continue alternating a few more layers in this manner, getting smaller as you go. Place your kindling and tinder on top.


Light the Campfire

Light the tinder with a match or lighter. Using fire starter that is designed to easily ignite can help the tinder catch the flame. (Be sure to carry waterproof matches and firestarter. Fire-making materials are considered one of the Ten Essentials.)

After lighting the tinder, blow lightly at the base of the fire to provide oxygen, which will help increase the intensity of the flame and further ignite the wood.

Keep adding logs on to the now hot wood and coals and they should continue to catch easily.


As the fire burns, move embers to the center to burn them completely. Ideally, you should reduce them to white ash.

If you think you may need some assistance tools for starting a campfire, check out this fire-starting gear.

Extinguish the Campfire

Always check with local camp hosts for their recommendations, and follow their steps if they provide them. Generally, though, you should extinguish your fire by pouring water on it (be careful not to stand where the steam can scald you), stirring the ashes, then applying more water. Repeat as often as needed. Ashes should be cool to the touch before you leave the site. Be utterly certain a fire and its embers are out and cold before you depart.

Note that the practice of using dirt or sand to extinguish a fire is problematic because it can insulate coals, which can become uncovered later, igniting a wildfire. Never leave a campfire unattended!

Most importantly, be sure to enjoy the magic and wonder that only a campfire under the stars can inspire.

Laura Jackman1 Comment